
The Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening(SLA […]
欧罗拉生物科技有限公司亮相 2024 年慕尼黑上海分析生化展

慕尼黑上海分析生化展(analytica China)作为世界分析、实验室技术和生化技术领域盛会analyti […]

Ion Channel Retreat 2014: The anticipation is building!

OK all you crazy ion channel aficionados, we have some exciting news for you: the deadline to submit abstracts for posters and oral presentations for the 12th annual Ion Channel Retreat has been extended. The response to our call for abstracts was so good we wanted to keep applications open a little bit longer to make sure that no one misses out.
Ion Channel Retreat 2014: Boats, cheese, and ligand-gated channels.

It’s almost that time of year again. The time when the flowers are in full bloom, kids are freed from the shackles of school, I am trying desperately not to claw my eyes out due to seasonal allergies, and the most prominent ion channel researchers in the world are gathering in beautiful Vancouver, BC for the annual Ion Channel Retreat.
