


亚洲最大环保展,”第十六届中国环博会” 将于5月6-8日在上海新国际博览中心拉开序幕。AURORA作为唯一一家可同时提供原子吸收光谱、原子荧光光谱、微波消解仪的进口厂家,应”深圳环境监测展团” 邀请参展,为环境监测提供重金属检测的一体化方案。诚邀亲临展位,共同探讨,发展合作,开拓市场。

China Lab 2015受邀采访

加拿大欧罗拉生物科技有限公司的亚洲商务服务团队在集团董事长梁洞泉博士的带领下,首次亮相广州国际分析测试及实验室设备展览会(简称2015 China Lab)。本视频报道由生物无忧网站友情制作。

欧罗拉亮相2015 China Lab

3月12-14日,广州国际分析测试及实验室设备展览会(简称2015 China Lab)在广州保利世贸博览馆隆重举行。加拿大欧罗拉生物科技有限公司的亚洲商务服务团队在集团董事长梁洞泉博士的带领下,首次亮相。

Regulation of the MCU calcium transporter





TRACE 1800 Launched at PITTCON 2014

Aurora is excited to announce the launch of their newest atomic absorption spectrometer, the TRACE 1800 AAS at Pittcon 2014. This flexible instrument comes in a variety of configurations for analysis by flame, graphite furnace, and vapor hydride generation offering great improvements to laboratory workflows in the life and environmental sciences.

Ion Channel Retreat: All About Transporters

For this year’s annual Ion Channel Retreat, Aurora is excited to announce the inclusion of a special program on transporters, pumps and exchangers. With submissions from leading membrane transport researchers already coming in, this year’s event will prove to be an exciting meeting, offering attendees a chance to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and establish partnerships.

Ion Channel Retreat 2014: The anticipation is building!

OK all you crazy ion channel aficionados, we have some exciting news for you: the deadline to submit abstracts for posters and oral presentations for the 12th annual Ion Channel Retreat has been extended. The response to our call for abstracts was so good we wanted to keep applications open a little bit longer to make sure that no one misses out.

Ion Channel Retreat 2014: Boats, cheese, and ligand-gated channels.

It’s almost that time of year again. The time when the flowers are in full bloom, kids are freed from the shackles of school, I am trying desperately not to claw my eyes out due to seasonal allergies, and the most prominent ion channel researchers in the world are gathering in beautiful Vancouver, BC for the annual Ion Channel Retreat.