
Ion Channel Retreat 2014: Boats, cheese, and ligand-gated channels.

Ion Channel Retreat 2014: Boats, cheese, and ligand-gated channels.


It’s almost that time of year again. The time when the flowers are in full bloom, kids are freed from the shackles of school, I am trying desperately not to claw my eyes out due to seasonal allergies, and the most prominent ion channel researchers in the world are gathering in beautiful Vancouver, BC for the annual Ion Channel Retreat. This year promises to be no exception as I am stocking up on antihistamines and Aurora is getting ready to host an ion channel event like no-other. This year’s event is shaping up to be especially interesting with topics such as ion channels in disease and pain, ion channel screening technologies for assessment of cardiac safety and toxicology, structure and function of ion channels, and new this year a session focusing on transporter molecules and their roles with ion channels.

This year our sponsors have pulled out all the stops to make sure we have exciting social events to make the evenings just as sensational as the day sessions. On the first night, kick back and enjoy the finer things in life at the wine and cheese reception hosted by SB Ion Channels. The wine and cheese reception is a great chance to chat with new contacts and reconnect with old colleagues over a glass of BC wine and a selection of fine cheeses. On the second night strap on your sea legs and prepare to be enchanted by tranquil waters of Vancouver at dusk during the mesmerizing dinner cruise put on by Chan Test. After the cruise you will swear the boat ran into sirens as you will be transfixed by the beauty of the Vancouver skyline at dusk, Stanley park, and the landscapes of West Vancouver, either that or you had a couple too many glasses of wine with dinner.


This year, due to the increasing reach of the Ion Channel Retreat, we have decided to put on a second meeting in Guangzhou, China from November 5-7th, 2014. The first ever International Ion Channel Retreat is intended to further increase the globalization of ion channel research and bring together scientists from all over the globe to debate and discuss ion channel research whilst sharing knowledge, exchanging ideas, and building lasting partnerships.

So don’t be gated, join us at the fantastic Sheraton Wall Centre for the 12th annual Ion Channel Retreat in Vancouver, BC. Registration is now open and abstract submission has been extended until April 30th. And be sure to bring extra antihistamines! Contact us at retreat@aurorabiomed.com.cn or by phone at 604-215-8700



